Himawari-8 / GOES 17 processed Imagery
These images are published by NOAA and link directly to their CDN, passed through another CDN (thanks to throttling from our ISP) and sliced and diced in your browser - please do check the time stamp (in GMT) imprinted on the image before interpreting.
Cyclone and severe weather links
Links to external cyclone and cyclone season related content
Links to external content
Wind and Weather Models
Links to external content
METAR & TAF Forecasts NOAA Full
TAF Forecasts Fiji Met Office
ARFORs - some of these files occassionally fail to open in a new tab or window and download instead. This is related the the content of the file as when it was last updated on the third party server. It will download to your computer instead and you need to open the txt file from the download drawer. It always seems to work fine on mobile phones, Tablets and Internet Explorer on Windows 8 and later!
Flight Planning
Time Zones, great Circle Mapping etc. send any suggestions to marcus to add to this section please.
MeteoBlue - EUMETSAT sourced imagery - scroll down for true color zoomed satellite animation.
Tsunami Links
Links to external Tsunami and seismic / geodesic content